9 Events
The "Development, Acquisition, and Maintenance" booklet is one in a series of booklets that compose the Federal Financial Institutions Examination Council (FFIEC) Information Technology Examination Handbook (IT Handbook). The FFIEC IT Handbook is prepared for use by examiners. With the publication of this booklet, the FFIEC members replaced the "Development and Acquisition" booklet issued in April 2004. The revised title now reflects the importance of maintenance ...
Read MoreThe purpose of this webinar is to discuss the decision to sunset the FFIEC Cybersecurity Assessment Tool (CAT) on August 31, 2025. During the event, representatives from the FFIEC Task Force on Supervision's Cybersecurity and Critical Infrastructure Subcommittee will discuss the decision to sunset the tool, and the path forward for financial institutions to assess their cybersecurity and other related risks using other government and industry ...
Read MoreThe focus of this webinar is to discuss the 2021 updates to the FFIEC BSA/AML Examination Manual. The updates cover the BSA/AML Compliance Program sections including Scoping and Planning, BSA/AML Risk Assessment, Assessing the BSA/AML Compliance Program, and Developing Conclusions and Finalizing the Exam, as well as the examination procedures related to these areas.
Read MoreOn June 30, 2021, The Federal Financial Institutions Examination Council (FFIEC) issued a new booklet in the FFIEC Information Technology Examination Handbook series, titled "Architecture, Infrastructure, and Operations." This webinar will provide an overview of the changes and content of the new booklet, which provides expanded guidance to help financial institution examiners assess the risk profile and adequacy of an entity's information technology architecture, infrastructure,
Read MoreThreat actors continue to seek to undermine financial institutions' authentication and access defenses in order to gain unauthorized access to customers' accounts and the institutions' information system. This webinar will provide an overview the new FFIEC Guidance on Authentication and Access to Financial Institution Services and Systems, which was published in August 2021. This new FFIEC Authentication Guidance sets forth examples of effective authentication and access ...
Read MoreThe focus of this webinar is to discuss the updates to the FFIEC Business Continuity Management Booklet and other resilience topics.
The BCM Booklet describes principles and practices for IT and operations for safety and soundness, consumer financial protection, and compliance with applicable laws and regulations. The BCM Booklet also outlines BCM principles to help examiners evaluate how management addresses risk related to the availability of ...
Read MoreThe focus of this webinar is to discuss the 2020 updates to the FFIEC BSA/AML Examination Manual. The updates cover the BSA/AML Compliance Program sections including Scoping and Planning, BSA/AML Risk Assessment, Assessing the BSA/AML Compliance Program, and Developing Conclusions and Finalizing the Exam, as well as the examination procedures related to these areas.
Read MoreCurrent trends in email compromise fraud, as well as control considerations that may help institutions better protect themselves and their customers from this growing cyber threat.
Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (FinCEN) discusses its “Updated Advisory on Email Compromise Fraud Schemes Targeting Vulnerable Business Processes” (FIN-2019-A005). In addition, representatives from the FFIEC’s Cybersecurity and Critical Infrastructure Working Group, the BSA/AML Working Group, and the IT Subcommittee also share supervisory insights.
Read MoreApproximately $200 trillion of financial products and contracts reference LIBOR. The potential discontinuance of LIBOR as a benchmark and reference rate could impact your financial institution.
In this FFIEC Industry Outreach webinar, presenters provide an overview of the recent history of LIBOR as a reference rate, discuss the rate's uncertain future and associated risks to financial institutions.The presenters also provide context on the alternative reference rate.
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