The "Development, Acquisition, and Maintenance" booklet is one in a series of booklets that compose the Federal Financial Institutions Examination Council (FFIEC) Information Technology Examination Handbook (IT Handbook). The FFIEC IT Handbook is prepared for use by examiners. With the publication of this booklet, the FFIEC members replaced the "Development and Acquisition" booklet issued in April 2004. The revised title now reflects the importance of maintenance in the life of a system or component. This booklet 1) Describes system and component development, acquisition, and maintenance. 2) Highlights key risk management practices when developing, acquiring, or maintaining systems and components. 3) Provides an overview of and discusses information technology (IT) project management, the system development life cycle (SDLC), and supply chain risk management (SCRM). 4) Addresses the importance of system and software maintenance to an entity's resilience.
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